Mohammad Shojafar
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Network Security
Head of network Security And pRIvacy LAB (SARI LAB)
University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
5G/6G Innovation Centre (5G/6GIC)
Institute for Communication Systems (ICS)
University of Surrey
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, Great Britain
Room 08-CII-01 - Phone +44 (0)1483 689480 (int. n. 9480)
Academic Website
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Network Security
Head of network Security And pRIvacy LAB (SARI LAB)
University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
5G/6G Innovation Centre (5G/6GIC)
Institute for Communication Systems (ICS)
University of Surrey
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, Great Britain
Room 08-CII-01 - Phone +44 (0)1483 689480 (int. n. 9480)
Academic Website
Positions/Grants (please drop me an email-- [CV + cover letter]-- if interested)
Research Interests
(See details in research)- Network Security
- Cloud/Fog Networking
- Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) Algorithms
- Applied Cryptography
- Artificial Intelligence
- Mathematical Optimization
- UK - EPSRC/DSIT- ORAN-TWIN - [June 2024-April 2025] - (PI) (150,000 pounds)
- UK - DSTL- Security of ORAN-TWIN - [October 2024-March 2025] - (PI) (75,000 pounds)
- EU-CELTIC-NEXT/Innovate UK- 6G-SMART: 6G Self Organising and Managing Open Radio Access Network - [October 2024-September 2027] - (Co-PI) (550,000 pounds)
- UK - Innovate UK- D-Xpert: AI-Based Recommender System for Smart Energy Saving - [Feb 2024-Feb 2025] - (PI) (88,000 pounds)
- UK - DSIT- 5G Mode: Mobile oRAN for highly Dense Environments - [November 2023-April 2025] - (PI) (367,000 pounds)
- UK - DSIT- 5G ONE4HDD: 5G Mobile oRAN for Highly Dense Domains - [November 2023-April 2025] - (PI) (367,000 pounds)
- UK - DSIT- HiPer-RAN: Highly Intelligent, Highly Performing RAN - [October 2023-April 2025] - (Co-PI) (367,000 pounds)
- EU Horizon Europe Marie Curie Staff Exchange - TRACE-V2X - (PI) (80,000 euro)
- UK - EPSRC/UKI-FNI - APT detection in 5G networks (APTd5G) - [January 2023-July 2023] - (CO-PI) (39,955 pounds)
- UK - NCSC- ESKMARALD: Enhanced Security of the AKMA (Authentication and Key Managment for Application and Deployments) - [November 2022-November 2024] - (CO-PI) (310,263 pounds)
- European Space Agency - AUTOTRUST: A Secure 5G Transport and Logistics Demonstration - [October 2021-July 2023] - (PI) (150,000 euro)
- Huawei Technologies UK - Security and Privacy in Network Security - [October 2020-October 2023] - (PI) (250,000 pounds)
- Ecuadorian-British project - Implementation of Fog Computing and Network Architecture for Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 - [March 2020-August 2021] - -(Co-PI) (20,000 dollar)
- Spanish (Jaen University) Government Project - P18-RT-4046, optimization of energy sustainability in cloud computer centers through expert planning with analysis of interpretability - [March 2020-Feb. 2023] (External Collaborator) (95,000 euro)
- EU Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship - PRISENODE - (PI) (275,209 euro)
- EU Horizon 2020 - SUPERFLUIDITY
- EU Horizon 2020 - TagItSmart!
- Italian MIUR - PRIN15 (GAUChO - A Green Adaptive Fog Computing and Networking Architecture)
- Italian University Projects:
- S2C (S2C - Secure, Software-defined Cloud)
- SAMMClouds (SAMMClouds - Secure and Adaptive Management of Multi-Clouds)
- V-FoG (V-FoG - Vehicular Fog Networking)
- GCOMS (General Cargo Operations Management System)
- TCTS (Total Solution for managing marine container terminals)
My Thesis:
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